curerntly at macdonald
jz chillin n lepakin
gosh.duno hw long mr wave has to stay in the carpark
guess wat,.tayar bocor!!
motor tkle gerak until i change the tyre!
thx to encik paku!sgh tk perlu ko tersumbat kt tyre aku.
so hav to go to werk via bus n train again.
as per last tyme
haiya nid to adjust the tymin oready
muz get ready by 715.
if not late fer werk..
haiyo..wait till baba got his pay.den cn settle the probs lingerin
by den cpu will be back
n evrythg cn be as per normal
outta words.
since zima gf ask to upload pix of my bike
here let me introduce u to my baby boyfrend
his name is mr wave..
his my companion.ahhahaha
so meet my new wonderful mr wave.
zima im sure to mit u n ride u ard.
no worries
i miss my gfs!

hey hello..
ppl2 i hav annoucement to make
my comp spoilt!yes again!!
thx to mr virus..hahaha..
soo..wait till i get my comp.aite2
so wont be updating my blog...
waiting for my dear mr wave to be ready
den i go round the whole sg
im outta werk
see ya wen i see ya
im bloggin...yes i am..hahaha
PART 1last sun,wen out wif cuzz..
it was superb fun...itz jz us the cuzzins.
our parents??u wanna knw whr they go??
they went to watch sweet charity cnsert.happeningkn drg
so us went to watch movie,eat n chilled at town..
was a fun one 1 shld sae.we were laughin our ass out all night long
pity big bro cnt join us.his in camp..alar!
MONSTER VS ALIEN is a nice show..go catch it at ur nearest cinema!haha
PART 2cuzzin will be goin ns tiz fri.
hw tymes fly n most of the big cuzz enterin ns.1 finishin soon
gonna miss cuzz.no more teman ketawe.cnfirm dpt jp only on wkend.
tu pn lau book-out.
to cuzz enjoy ur last days fully,n dun 4get to enjoy urself wen u in ns
sure to hav a gd tyme dere..cpt2 kurus k??hhee
beep lau da book-out so le mit up..n sae bye2 to ur long hair..hahaha
PART 3tiz part is very irritatin part.
i almost got mad.luckily i cntrl my anger.if not.i duno wat gonna happen
hmm.hw do i strt..
the situation goes lyke tiz.workmate was pissed of by the workload.i dun deny it
evrthg was under cntrl.till the part whr workmate bang the fon.n strt banging the tings infrnt of her.seeing the situation.i jz kept quiet so do the rest.
the moment she asked to help her out in keyin the flight details.i went blank.
dlm otak pikir ane la aku tau kt ane nk key.although i knw its not the best tyme to us
i put up my courage n asked cz i dunwan to do any mistake n tt wil definely add on to her pissed
so i asked..1st attempt.failed.no respon.
so i kept quiet.den i asked again after i realy cnt find the ans
i was shocked+pissed off by the ans den..
u knw hw workmate reply "RABIA DUN TALK TO ME 1ST.I CNT TAKE IT" in such a tone.
i goes blank.wat i do was simple,jz nodded my head n went back to my place
i was wnderin y muz she reply in tt kind of manner wen i asked her nicely.
i sit n kept quiet,tryin to cool myself out .since she gav me tt kind of ans.i put her work aside n
do sumthg else.msn-ed wif ika..naseb aku sbar k.lau tk le gdo tau
only ppl whu knw me well knw hw bad i cn get wen im angry
to me if u r angry or pissed wif sumthg or sum1.dun venge ur anger to others la.especially to
innocent ppl whu knws nthg.
being me..i asked her if she wanted the newspaper.n asked her if she okay.
luckily u sae sorry.sejok sikit ati aku.
haizz..jz hav to cntrl it ..left wif few mths...
totally2 pissed..spoilt my dae.
luckily tiz is attachment..if not..haiya!
fuh.i cnt believe i cn cntrl my anger.nhhaha
syabas.bravo rabia.
lyke atlast rabia cn cntrl her anger.
tirin dae..
i wanna get a nice sleep
gdnite readers!
Labels: _lyke wth_