Saturday, May 30, 2009
lately the weather is unpredictable
a moment u will feel cold,a moment ltr u'll feel warm or i shuld sae humid!
n it really suck wen u feel the humid,coz it makes u uncomfortable.
lyke i sae another wk of weeking.n i gues tiz wk aint tt fun compared to prev.
whu cares..urgh!havent gotta my pay yet!lyke wth!!
bikin darah aku up je.
so no much plan fer wkends.jz to do some survey n mayb meet cuzzins on sun
parents will be goin to "SWEET CHARITY" concert wif uncle n auntie.
enjoy kape drg.
n.i gt 1 ezlink crd spoilt!damn it!
im usin adult fare.cnt enjoy tt much.shit!im use to concession
everythg b/w me n exbf begins to settle down.
lyke atlast we cn tok w/o hurting eachother feelings.
isnt it great?i still keep ur msg n i hope tt u prove me sumthg out of it.
after few mths of postponed.lyke at last i met bella..
yipeedeeedaaa.ahaha..lyke always chilled under her blk
hope tings r ok gf.i luv u!
and to my 3 adorable gfs..wen is our meet-up???
i wanna huhugaga wif u all..
soon plzzz....
Monday, May 25, 2009
Labels: _be mine_
Sunday, May 24, 2009

i always encounter tiz situation whr i wanted to blog.but wen i sign-in.
evrythg tt i wanted to blog jz erased away frm my brain terok!
overall i enjoyed tiz whole wk..
werk place is fine..tq ppl for makin it lively
i cn tell u tt evry1 is happy fer the entire wk
arron wil always goes lyke tiz "rabia.u ok or not?"
n amy is sick n tired of ppl calling her .till she said "rabia nxt tyme wen u ans the kol u sae tt our cmpany is close".see werkmates tired of cust kept callin dem..
n i will sit n laugh at their reaction.they hav alot to settle seh
lucky fer me i handle to one cust only..fuh!
wen to survey bikes prices..
atleast i knw wats the range.
ive yet to dcide wat bike t0 buy.hopefully to get 1 by nxt mth..
insurance price has been raised.pathetic or wat!
wen to diff places.but 1 really caught my attention
the shop at ubi..hmm..tinkin of it..think rabia think
1 more trip to other bike shops.n den i will conclude.
tings aint goin pretty well wif u i guess.
u asked sorry ive yet to come out wif an ans
sorry not the tyme..
hw many more must i turn down..till i really forget abt u dear ex-bf??
i dunno hw true ur msg cn be..i wont forget those dayss...
Labels: _memories still lingering fresh im my mind_
Thursday, May 21, 2009

i came t0 realise tt its been sum tymes i catch a movie
good movies r cumimg..ish..i cnt miss it seh!
soo..whu wanna accompany me watch the upcuming movies??
any taker?
werk had been ok fer me..
so far so gd
but nvrtheless i wanna end tiz attachment soon
cum to realise again its been a mth!
thx razin fer the reminder
i was far asleep.but i was awake by my cough.
n nw cnt sleep...argh mungkinnnn
ala sok keje..mcm tknk g je..
tp tkle kene dpt gaji gak.
kla org tu da bising2 pt telinge aku
die ckp "ni view blog org ke tgh msn"
kk i get goin nw
carlo bete..
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
hello2...hw r u ppl??
hahaha..ok2..straight to the point
tiz wk..its not so lethargic for me
cz im not too tired
reason being is.........
i jz dunwan to let my lazyness 2 cntrl me,
wait2.ape aku ckp ni???
these few days .been enjoyin my nite
tokin to 'sumone'.full wif laughter,teased n jokes
thx 'someone' fer accompanying my nite..
appreciate it alot.
gonna survey price for bikes..
im gonna get 1 soon..
cnt wait cnt wait..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
its been days we been arguing over the fons or msgs
n its been days since we had a proper talk.
wen i waited for his kol,he didnt kol
but wen i was far asleep,i rceived couples of miss kols n msgs.
i dunno wat went wrg between us
but i guess tt we r both tired.tts y we'v been givin each other cold shoulder
n i would lyke to apolgised to u if i insisted on puttin down the fon
i was engaged wif sumthg,sorry someone.
i dun blame u if u didnt reply to my i knw u dissapointed in my attitude
i miss sch la.serious tokin.hw envy i am to see ppl goin to sch,
sure dey had a nice tyme wif their mates..oh for heaven sake..tyme plzz pass VERY fast.plzzz..
if u ppl were to be in werkin lyfe.u will hav said tiz "i prefer schling den werking"
so ppl enjoy urselves well b4 u enter to a werkin wen u strt werkin u realise the tyme for u to enjoy is wil be piling ,datelines here to meet.etc.ive seen it n im goin thru it
n wat i cn sae it was nvr easy..
melalut lak aku ni.was tokin wif ex-bf ysterdae.n we were laughin to the old times wen we use to be 2thgr.its kind of funny cz we were in those "puppy luv".its gd to rmbr the past wif the persn whu is nt heartles.right di??hahah =) blog been dead.but nvm.let it be..i jz wanna make full use of it
ppl want t0 read den read,if dnt want den its ok kn..hahah
kla..nites ppl.
see u ard..
Labels: _waiting fer ur call_
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

oh gosh.
i was hopin tt e attachment will end fast
since the day attchment strt,i had to revised my schedule
i nid to go to werk frm 9am till 6pm evry single day
its totally MUNDANE!
i didnt sae i dun enjoy my attchment.i did
jz tt i miss my ENTERTAINMENT alot!
i dun even hav tyme fer i wil be totally shagged by wkends
gosh.miss my tv shows,miss my sch,miss my classmates
n most importantly miss my GFS!
endure rabia endure.u cn do it..
few more mths
im collectin it n im up to it soon.. the world i present u..patiently waitin
wait till the tyme come
patient is virtue
guess there no nid fer to to reminisce the past
but i did miss it alot
those tyme
so much fun so little tyme
im happy fer u
Labels: _im yours always_
Sunday, May 10, 2009
firstly i wanna wish all mum in the world
special to my beloved mum
i luv u soo much
wat happen 2daE?
cuzzins n my sibs plan to do a suprise bdae
although theres a bit of cock-up
but it turn out well










sok keje la..
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

lyke atlast i decided to txt u telling u my decision
since u cnt make up ur mind.
u sae u respect my decision but i knw the typical u
u will not meant wat u sae.
n i guess so
u kol me jz to let me hear ur tears?
ur crocodile tears i guess
i hate it la.u jz makin me feel annoyed
sory i dun mean to hang up e fon in tt manner
but im jz disgusted by ur action
u asked me wats my feeling 4 u
to tell the truth im not sure either
i cnt sae i luv u nor i cnt sae i hate u
its a mix feeling.
dun blame u e one whu put me at tiz state
im taking my tyme to heal.n take my own sweet tyme to deal wif boy
let u feel wat i felt ol tiz while
my days r very hectic
oh gosh.i prefer schling sey
atleast wen im schling i jz cn skip wen i feel lyke skipping class
but as fer man i cnt
gosh!faster end tiz attachment.
im to lazy to crack my head.n to lazy to be in tiz mundane schedule
Labels: _gone for gd?_
Monday, May 4, 2009
i miss this chap so much
the tyme we went out to
nvr expect to hear sumthg bad abt u
hope u havin a gd tyme in there.
pray hard tt it will turn u to a betta person.n open ur eyes wide.
takacare wen u in there dear bro.
i knw tings aint workout b/w us.
but i hope ur jz brave enough to come out frm ur hiding place
n xplain evrythg to me..frm a-z
be brave.only truth will stop evrythg or strt sumthg new.
hopin to meet u up real soon to settle tings tt been lingering fer few yrs.
i wont be updatin tt much
bz wif attchment
but i try my best to update a few entry in a wk
try hor.
gettin it soon
Labels: _confused_
Sunday, May 3, 2009
oh no tidak!
im down wif cough.
susah wo gini.. enjoyin my labour day.
went to my aunt crib at jb
family gathering cum family bbq
yeah..tts my family..we try to do an event wen it comes to olidae.
bbq wil be our activity,
as usually..enjoyed it..the food the drinks,n the FAMILY..
kesian die.
sorry Labels: _sorry dear u_