i wanted to blog last nite but im super duper
SICK..i swear i feel lyke dying man!went to sch as per normal..
sch strt at 8 but its our habit to come late(bad habit bad habit).
half-hearted to go to sch at 1st cz my body ache..i my throat damn pain
but i cnt afford to miss sch cz exam is cumin a wks tyme..
evrythg were normal
till fdm lesson
my body cnt take it anymore.im havin fever...
sit one corner shut my eyes n take a short nap.
after class..wen to eat..
my fever cool down..watch some performances.
den off to shaz crib
by den my fever strt again
slept at shaz crib's while the rest play guitar ..on laptop etc2
by the tyme i woke up.feel lazy to go to werk
drag my lazy body to werk
reach werk..no mood.cz SICK mah!
redha(abg hensem)approach me..
went bck wif manager.
met syuk n kam in the train.
had dinner cum super wif kam
thx to kam.luckily aku tk terkencing ehk!
as 4 2dae.skip SW again.
not bcz of prac.cz of my sickness la..
den after sch went 2 visit khai.watch senario movie
den rest at hm.
but...by the tyme i shut my eyes.
im doze to lalala land.
tiz tyme round i realy cnt take.
went to doctor took MC
nw tinkin of extend my MC or jz go to werk.
to annonymous person.
jz tell me the truth.
if im goin to find out.u be in a dead shit!
ok best
jz came bck frm macdonald
went there to cmplete our p.m project..
b4 tt headed to khai crib's
not exactly his crib la its near his bustop
khai cnt tag along as his mum dun allow to
went to take our books..wich the 3 of us left it inside khai's beg.
pndai rite..
we tot we goin to be late..initially we run n catch the 912 bus to khai place
but wen we were at adm.not a single of them reached.
so we sit tok2 drink2 eat2..
den shaz came(bdk tamp trn wdls woi).followed by yan den fareez..
sit down chit chat.
cmplete our project.its a simple project but need teamwrk to cmplete it
met bro yan ex gf at mac..tk sangke aku die igt aku
had a shrt chat wif her b4 she went off..
lepak2 at mac till 1030.
den off to syahirah place to get a replacement slipper fer yan
best pe yan slipper putus.
sit at the stairs tok crab.NOISY!
though its almost 12 we still act as if its still in the afternoon
nw im hm
bloggin n dunno wat to do..
oh to khai.
gdluck fer the opt.
jgn tkt..
nth will happen to ko..
jz pray tt evrythg will b fine
jp ko sok kt hspital!!
im out of werds.
peace ppl!
Saat gembira tertawa
Saat berduka kita sama-sama
Duduk bermuram durja
Kita saling memerlukan
Menghormati satu ikatan
Itulah... ertinya persahabatan
Ada kalanya terkasar bahasa
Tapi kita saling memaafinya
Pahit manis kecapi bersama
Bersatu hadapi segala... oohhh
( korus )
Bersamalah teman kita hargai
Mahkota suci... oohhh
Bersamalah teman kita harungi
Istana erti persahabatan
Berkekalanlah hendaknya
Kemesraan diantara kita
Seandainya tak lagi bersama
Semat kenangan mengusik jiwa... oohhh

sumtymes things have to go thru a bad way in order for us to realise tt its wrg.arguement,misunderstanding n sensitiveness b/w frens will make us realise hw important tt person in our lyfe..i should sae im thankful to al-mighty for givin the right thought n mindset to actually think b4 i react.n thx to al-mighty tt evrthg r bck to normal to dear fren.im sory if anythg i hurt u or make u feel badim relieve after evrthg had been poured outhope it wont repeat.n it will help to make us close as ever n..to dear gfs..i should sae its tyme for a MEET-UPcz im freakin missing each n evry 1 of u
oh wow
its been a wk since i last update my blog
i jz dun have anytyme to blog
beside i dunno wat to blog
ermm..i mean i wanted to blog but wen it comes to typin evrythg in my mind jz erase off.
lets have a short recap of events happening tiz few days..
SUNi follow syahirah to help out in the wedding catering
it was held @ pasir ris.n we brought a map al0ng
cz both of us dunno the direction..
after werk.had a debrief n dpt pay!
MONsch per normal
occupy wif laughterss
oh ya mon is the official dae cum the 1st dae of my werk
wondering whr..no longer 7-11
im werking at
PLAZA SINGAPURA_COLDWEAR1st dae was quite a relaxin dae..
as they introduce me the outfits available etc etc
tymes pass soo fast till i didnt realise its tyme to head hm
went bck wif my shop manager
staffs dere r very frendly n supportive
as fer tues n wed
SWEAR i cnt rmbr any single ting happened on boths daes
ehehe..paise uh
THURSsch finishes at 12
i we had no plan
soo head off to shaz crib's..
reached there slack ard ..n the shouting drama begins
thx to adik amjad!he threw the fake lipas at kam n syahirah
they we shoutin their lungs out.kekek2
then settle down n watch "
the storyline is quite cmplicated
n if u dun follow the story u will not understd the storyline at the end of the movie
after watchin the movie.
me kam n alfian get ready to work
we took a cab to tamp mrt as both alfian n kam need to rush to work
soo i n syahirah went to watson to get some stuffs
den to0k mrt off to werk while syahirah off to her crib's
in the train we slept lyke nobody business.luckily we already awake went it reach ct hall
FRIwent fer my prac..
alhamdulliah pass n went to the nxt stage
instrutor sufiyan lagi!ahaha.tp tkp die handsome!haha.kidin
get a gd remark frm him..thx eh 4 the guidance..
soo..the cnclusion here is tt i attend sch late
wichh....i lied to mom tt my class strt at 11am
jz dunwan her to nag n get angry
tipu sunat katekn...mum been cmplain tt im becomin lazy to go to sch
sory ye mama..no worries adik blajar.=)after sch mcm biase went to shaz crib
well da mcm uma kte la g2
best.i slept while watching saw 4..
ended up the
katil2 kaki's slept happily..
den off to werk.da tdo feeling of tknk g keje timbul
tp!aku ttp g..azam aru..haahah
SATwerk in afternoon shift wich is frm 130-1030pm
gosh i tell u..alot cust goin in n out.n i swear its tirin...
had burger king fer lunch cum dinner
housecleaning done.
den we got nth better to do
lipeng me n richard camwhore usiing richard laptop
the store was filled wif laughter by e 3 of us.
so took cab wif lipeng n her fren.
drop at yck n cntinue mrt..
den meet up wif sha2 n allen..(alalala..aku rindu sha2.ahha)
went in to 7-11 n i saw
EZRIEL.mule2 mls nk tego
but went ppl approach u u have to be nice rite??
went smoke outside wif sha2.
den ezriel come out n approach me ..
the convo went lyke tiz
amcm kau skrG??uatpe?me:
aku biase gak..skola je(padahal2)ezriel:
bey kau tk keje?me:
ermm.actually aku keje uh .skola recommend kanezriel:
keje kt ne seh...me:
kt plaza sin kedai coldwear uhezriel:
wah bagos..brpe pay die?me:
wah.tts a gd payden the convo cntinue..
tok abt bike prac..etc2..cngratulate him fer havin a bike license nw
suddenly he call me aside
tiz part i oready knw tt he goin to have a tok wif me
cnclusion he apologise to me on wat happen b/w him n me
n i apologise to him too..
den he told hw the new management r..how old boss changed etc2
speakin of tt i miss werkin at 7-11
MISS those ppl there especially ct..
MISS those
GOSSIPS we used to share among the ppl in the store
lyfe hav to move on..
n i lurvin my job
4get to mention
i hav a handsome werking fren
REDHA or wat.hehe
his my manager younger bro..
i tink i blog enough
n long.
tc ppl
bump into u guys soonn..