Saturday, September 27, 2008
raya mood kape rabia!
ape2 je bdk ni
well tiz yr raye is abit diff for me
1st of my werk.
ive been werking till i forget to prepare myself fer raye
big bro nt at hm to help out wif the housecleninng
tings r diff w/o big bro ard..
erm.ngak tau sih..mayb raye is too earlY??
im jz lazing ard doin nth.
gonna enroll my license ltr on bombay polis station hey
Friday, September 26, 2008
tired exhausted shagged..
i cant tink of any werd to dcribe hw tired i am.
basically i nid to werk at 6pm.
though it seems late..i cant force myself up nor get myself ready fer werk
i jz dunno y.
mayb ive been werking fer the past few days non stop
i asked fer off the day b4.but ezriel asked me to find a replacement.
but dont u knw,im replacing sum1 whu is no longer werking.
i knw n im cnfident tt thurs is my off day.but due to sum1 no longer werkin
i have to take tt fair??
im falling sick sooner or later.
im down wif running nose n sore throat
sooner or later(pray hard its not)
im having a fever.
gosh..i jz feel i aint have sufficient rest.once i sleep.i'l woke up late noon.
omg.i aint doin nth at hm
jz occupy my bloody 5hrs by doin the shelf.etc etc.
bado n latep came.they tot i have cash cz they r damn thirsty
but sory guys.i cnt help u much.hahah
walk hm.smoke.jz to release some tension. tv.tok to
on the comp;.chat.
switch off.
i tried to take a nap
but i eyes seems stubborn.
online games..
n here blogging
gosh.wat a lyfe!ahhaha
sun will be goin out wif dear fellow classmates
Thursday, September 25, 2008
sumtymes i jz feel lyke sitting at hm the whole day
omg .ive been werking lyke alomost evrydae tiz werk
i only had 1 dae off
shagged giler!!!
so 2dae werk was pretty ok
i occupy myself doin housecleanin
clean tiz clean tt..arrangetiz arrange tt
tyme pass fast tyme to go hm
o.o kape ahhaha
so asked kam to buy me food.
thx gerl sbb tgu aku
dena after werk
sit sumwhr eat n tok
smoke mcm biase!
i loike!
im out of word.
tc dear readers!!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
arghevrythg go wrgshiti get my payslipwee.tgu pay msok!n btw
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
supposedly werk at 6 ysterdae but den got a last min kol frm ezrielasking me to come dwn at 3.i jz woke up he asked me wat im doin.tknk paiseh nye psl.i told him im doin nth.n he say gd come to store asap!thx la eh blg aku last min.luckily i awake.if not....tata!reached store..did nth much,or cn i sae not much cust at tt moment.joke ard..stock up drinks..etc.we were doin werk wen suddenly.1 of my workmate caught tiz pakcik taking news paper n hideunder his clothes n wanted to walk off the store after payin fer the berita harian ezriel brought him asked him..wen ezriel wanted to asked SiTi(workmate) fer an opinion on wat to do to the pakcik.the pakcik dash out of the store..there the tragedic moment happen.ezriel caught the pakcik den the pakcik struggle to get away.sng ckp BERGELOT!!!it tooks a few mins b4 they actually caught the pakcik n thx to the smrt ppl whu lock the pakcik in a rm b4 the police arrive.passer-by jz look n did nth cz the pakcik was aggresive.n ezriel got himself a bruise on his hand.cnclusion ezriel did his best.n dat pakcik was brought to the stationit was lyke stupid act seh by the pakciky dunt u jz pay fer 7ocent n jz walk off rather den troubling urself!after tt tragic moment.dzul came.den told him wat happen.he sae lau aku ade aku pukul pakcik tubut to bad my fren u'r LATE!hahhaoverall the dae was fun!oh den we look back at the cctv.see hw the pakcik actually ran out.n ezriel ckp aku slenger!cz i dun bther to kol the polis fer them.instead i jz walk to the counter n serve the cust.!thinkin was realy stupid of meahhaahhaha_i juz miss my bf =( _
Monday, September 22, 2008
i jz dun unstd y tings have to turn out tiz wayy?e situation nw is realy tensed.m i at e wrG.m i to blamegosh!im being resonable enough to unstd wat u're goin to.but do u realise in the same tyme u hurting me!!!!im jz doin my part by askin u hw do u doinstead of thaking me u ask me not to disturb u!wth!!!!!!its been 3 days u went the end of it u asked me to dun disturb u?wats the meaning bhind all these?is tiz the end of evrythg tt w build?i ponder..lets put those probs aside.jz wanna be myselfthe happy n cheerfull gerl.eheh2dae werk is great.i mean the after shiftlots of food kape to mknaahamaceh la dzul sbb ko hiborkn siti n akukecoh la lu mat!aaahahacheck check it outafter werk.wen to isap rkk wif workmatebbl.den off i wen hmwaiting fer bestfren tp online.cptla sikit mangkok!
Sunday, September 21, 2008

i miss u dear..
miss u way to much
but y?
y the sudden change
i knw ive nt been a gd gf to u
bt do u knw tt i luv u so
u always cmplain abt me havingtoo much tyme wif my frenss
but dear u have to undstd.they r there way too long den u
i nid some solution
Saturday, September 20, 2008
anothr tiring dae fer me
though ysterdae had my off.
it didint help me much
i realised tt i nr stay hm fer quite sumtyme
bz wif werk
if im not werkin i'l be out eithr wif my peeps or my aunt place
mum had been cmplaining tt i nvr buke at hm often.
true.its realy true.
i always break-fast at werk
tiz yr ramadhan is way much different
ive been break-fast most ofter outside
be it at werk or wif my frens
kesian mak dpt buke dgn aku
so i try to make tiz wk n wk after by spending tyme at hm
i wanna spent the bits of ramadhan wif my luves one
my mum especiallY!
damn tmr my family goin geylang
shit n i have to werk
y seh!!
abg is olso following!
eeeiiiii.geramnye aku
tmr n sun werk tyme is very the kecoh
i have to come at 10am till 2pm
den rast 6pm come bck again
mcm apekn
sgh tk klarkar!
pejam celik pejam celik puase only left wif brape ari.
ish.sgh tk rase..
tyme pass realy fast
im off..
tc readerrrsss
Thursday, September 18, 2008
i jz came bck frm my aunt place
2dae do baby sitting.
actually not much of baby sitting though
jz look after baby mateen
n buke there.
yum2 bibik cook nasi ayam!sdp!
den mum asked to go ntuc buy some groceries
aku da mcm makcik jual kuih seh dgn beg2 plastic.
so here i am blogging..
tell u wat.
its kinda bored.
i jz dunno wat to do
or wth
ppl give me some idea la wat to do!
i miss my dear so much
few days seh nvr got to mit him
im out off werd.
thank god.
atlast im done wif e blogskin.
ok ppl
i got nuting much to sae
adious amigos
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
yabebedadoooooatlast i cn update my freaking blogshithead i cn upload at hm!nbcb!tol!!tings r getting ok dae by daewerk had been fun new peeps new frensgerek or watahahhadid nutin much over the wkedwent to geylang wif fello classmatesajak rmai2 yg trn cume man razin zai aku kam shazgerek..jln2 mkn2 atlast tgk nasyidtaubat pe geng!!ahahareach hm lbt gilerrahhahasunok werk in mrningthx eh ezriel n mindtg lbt lagaku uat tu store mcm bpk akunye storeahaahahahwelcome zul in our storeahhahahaden went to mit him after werkmule2 ok den gdoden okimu!hahahcrapok mon lepak keje2 den alik tdoso im nw at mac adm!wif khai shaz syerahnga tgu n kam trnpnye lbt!kkbe back if i get to log inin tiz bloody bloghahaadious!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
oryte 2dae marks e end of sch term!!
its HOLIDAE!!!!!!!!
lsm n bfd test done
tyme to enjoy..
currently in ofa clas.
jz sitting ard doin nutin
thank god pass my ofa
aku dpt A kape
ystrdae went to tamp to study
break fast at tender best
lps buke
tgh razin
apelagi aku pinjam mtr man
strt engine
den try2 bwk
blh la seh
aku nk amik LICENCE!!!
aku swear!
kk da ilang kate2
Saturday, September 6, 2008
i jz find e reason y i cnt use my acc via my compso irritating!!lets recapthurs:supposedly plan fer study grp wif clasmates den break fast 2gthr ended up onli me syahirah n shaz whu buke n bljr till nitekam come dwn fer awhile b4 proced 2 kecohshaz trn wdls ikut aku g NTUC kapeso the 3 of us went to market eat n study kecohnessalthough there was only 3 of usahhahabiase lepas buke aku n shaz asapfri:boss msg pag2 bute blg tkya keje!!aku pe happyahhahaso accompany mum to coldstorage n buy my clothesden help mama do roti kiraipnt akuahahas fer 2dae boss send me to indoor stadiummule2 mcm bdk bdo.satu org pn aku tk knlden bile da knl kecoh semcmahahso nw im at my aunt cz im too tired frm werkkk prepare to go out