Saturday, May 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
jz came bck from bro graduation dae!
xciting seh!!
soo proud of my bro!
well bumped into nic otw bck hm.ensem tu anak!
enjoyzz the pic ya!

freaking tired 2dae tho sch strt @ 12!otw bck hm..sleep.shockin to rceive a msg frm fadhli...den followed by alfamOMG!ape ni??ex-reunion isit??ish tk gerek lgsong!let me elaborate ya.mon:naz called me askin 4 mit up.agreed!met him wif syerah..boring nak mam!aku dating dgn syerah lag mulia..den tues cum 2dae?eh da 2 pag la!ape ckp ni??wteverlaoh fad msg askin wat im shocked.n my beloved-x alfam msg me too.waduh!i misses him sooo much!!sori cnt tok 2 u tt long..well u knw me n bf nvr goin to cool off!ape2la eh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh not goin 2 sch 2dae!!yipeee!!ahaahaa..goin 2 attend bro graduation dae @sp!cheh2 abg aku dpt diploma..UNBELIEVABLE!!jz want to congrats him n makin our parents proud!bROvo!bRovo!ermm..dun i nid to tell tt im strting to lyke M.A?oh gosh!stop it rabia!hell ya u got bf!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
ari ni sgh penataahaahsoo mly sia!ok 2dae we did come late.but hell ya its onli a discussion..prac was fun!!get to use the pallet jack!cool yaw!OFA as usuallyass.ass.ass till the test is ovr!wen to TM to hav our late lunchme,syerah,kam,atep n his fren(sape nta name bdk tu)khai didnt tag along as he gt trainingpity him.prob come.but he strong enough to face it.(smile fren)true enough every1 deserves a 2nd chance.shocking ting,NAZ(my x) called me askin 4 a mit up tmrguess will be goin cz bf allow me too?bf alloW??shockin?indeed it is.he told me as long i knw my limit it will be fine..nice tokin wif bf on been tymes since we hav a nice chat.i miss bf lotz..n bf is olready asleep.shark!
was imprt is I LUV BF!ahhaha gilerr.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
anothr borin dae i guess.
oh bf y muz u hav to werk!
if not u cn accompany my sundae's
oh bf hw i wish to
im tokin crap..
bf is werkin n definitely cnt go out wif me on sun
be rational rabia!wake up
bf told me he luves me lots.n no matter wat shit ive given to him he wont luv me
awww!so swit of u.
i oso luv u bf though i deny!
mama is cooking nugget.n im gonna soo attck it ltr!
im listening to songs
jiwang sbentar!
-rabia syg nazim-
Saturday, May 24, 2008

got nuting to dcide to edit pics.soo here it goes..njoyssssssssss.....
last updated is wed..
n 2dae is sat.
ermm.let me recap ya..
skip BFD class tired out.
oh ya..LSM class did some"egg" xperiment.
cool la..
so thurs wen to mit cuzz as she gt appoinmt
slept over her houz @bedok.
fun la seh!
met the rest @tamp int.
cz i frm bedok.
best pe dpt angn lbt.
soo had a grab @ MacD.
b4 heade to class.
standard kite lbt lag!
well actually OFA did nutin much.
only finish up the assignment.
sp @nite met the rest to settle our project.
haiz.BFD project nt done.
come LSM project.
so pathetic had to had up written rprt in nxt to wk.
gilee pe ROY!
talk to bf.
had a nice chat wif him
miss bf alot..
jz came bck frm hougang.
ate swensens!yum2
dpt duit lagi.
bestkn idop.
bf hav to werk O.T..
oh bf i MISS u sSOOO muCCChhH..
-sincerely urs dear-
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
tings r gettin worst.
fought n fought n fought wif bf.
met bf ystdae..he fetch me frm sch.
initially it went smoothly till the part under my
blk.its realy a scene seh..
haiz.i did slap him nt on purpose.
argh!dun wish to sae it.
i realy luv u.though i may be hard outside.
but inside i cnt bear losing u.
though i wantd it to end.
but actually i dun.
only i felt it.
only i knw hw much i needed u.
another quarrel 2dae.
bf let me go.
so saddening.
it strike lyke a thuder.
i knw bf wudnt want it.
yes true enough.
bf is angry i dun mean wat he sae..
bf i luv u lot!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
sunday sunday sundayits another day of sitting @ hm.since sch strted..ive been sitting @ hm most of the tymes.reason im soo freaking tired.not sch was the journey yaw!.well..ive nvr regretted entering tiz sch cz i jz luv it bebeh!my hp is off since i fought wif him in the freaking annoying..he wanted to bash up MR.A cz he tot MR.A was the reason i wanted to break.hey hello plz eh!indeed MR.A sound me.but cmon i ignored rite!furthemre MR.A tot i broke up wif u.soo plzz eh..stop bein soo childish!he been sending me 13 msg.(i did on my hp fer awhile to check fonebk)i ignored ol his msg.he beenn trying to cntact me..he tot im on the fon wif sum guy.cmon..rasela ape yg aku rase!nyahaha,im soo evil.its nit tt i wanted to revengebut i jz want him to knw tt im not easily fool by dun blame me ya..nw sitting infront of comp.searching for a cool pc games to play..sitting @ hm cn b boring sis ask me 2 tag along to timezone.but ,mind u i hav no cash wif meim broke totally broke for the past wk..serve me rite for nt maintaining my bill's..tmr is vesak day!n its olidae!!plan to go to ecp tmr wif those gile2.-sicK bebeH-
its been a few days since ive updated my blog. jz freaky tired after sch.
n lately been goin out late nite to mit the rest to settle sch stuffs.
sch had been g8 as usually.
only tt been slacking a bit..
everythg its fine..
onli me n him.
hmm..really had to face it.
cn i put an end to it??
watever it is..let tyme dcide..
im down wif fever..
soo wont be blogging much.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
tings gettin better.
hope it will not happen again.
sch as per normal.
classes normal.
prac mini comp.
we won.
c the leg r.ahaa
wen to do our project.
actually ol of us we we suke2 lepak
nw chating wif syerah.bado(khai).n latep.
kekek sak.
shortforms smue terkua
MP-mcm phm.
mcm2 la
k go
Sunday, May 11, 2008

ku ngan baCkal ku=)

bro n sis =)
2dae is CYCLING dae!
wen out abt 11+ am wif lil he insisted on goin cycling..
so we cycling up to cresent garden(bside adss).
play along the road(wich mama told not to!)
otw lil sis kol as she wants to tag along..
so ended up we played under the voideck till 3+
oh ya 2dae is SUN..
i didnt buy anythg fer mama,cz i dun hav any cash(believe??)
so a wish is ol i could afford..
not 4geting HAPPY 13 BDAE TO LIL SIS!
cool isint it..
sun sun sun..
it hav to been 2 SUNDAYS i didnt went out wif bf..
n been almost 2wks since i met bf..
no more sun meetin fer us cz bf dae off is on wkdays.
pathetic rite!
haizz...been hav lots of probs wif bf lately.
it ol b4 we lack of communications!
i hate it!.
bf didnt knw hw i misses him!!argh!damn it!
i ask fer breakup early in e was annoyed..
he blame MR.A fer wats happenin b/w us.
he said i ask him fer breakup cz i wanted to go to MR.A
but MR.a has nutin 2 do wif my dcision.
prev post i did mention tt bf will definitely get angry if he found out.
initially he did!he was so pissed off until he sae MR.A gt no shame to take me frm him..
bf bf.u so unpredictable!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
yesterdae Mr.A chatted wif me on usually we will we disturb each other.
but ysterdae he acted in a weird way..he kept sayin tt ive not been chatting wif him or msging him cz i hav a for wt i knw.he knw im i ignored.thinkin dere's nutin happening..
late nite he called me..
guess wat?
he ask me out.jz the 2 of us.down by the beach..giler ke ape!
along the way.he kept popping up tiz qns "u masih syg ur guy"
i wonder y..
so in conclusion is tt MR.A been waitin for me..but too bad im ATTACHED!
if bf were to find out abt tiz..he definitely get agry n wil find MR.A
cz bf once told me tiz "lau die nk kwn i tk lau die nk lebih.tgk uh aku jamah daging die!"
it meant if he wans 2 be fren wif me its ok but not to further extend..
i hav no say abt tiz probs wif bf yet to settle..
meeting bf soon..but do i really misses him??i wonder!
do i luv him?
do i nid him?
do i want him?
this qns had been sticking in my head lately.i dunno cnfuse..totally cnfuselets put tt aside.
so 2dae sch was as usually
wen we mit.KECOH la sey!
ohya welcome bck FINI!
ofa lesson..
mcm nk cekek2 cikgu tau..
she jz off the pc jz lyke tt..
luckily i oready save my assignment.
if not..dere it goes..
bangaunye khai!
g sembunyikn hp aku..
its not im angry or wat.
im jz scared i left it in the class cz dere anothr class coming in.n if i realy left it dere.
ol my content will be reveal!.
thx to yanling n syerah cz they told me tt alfian was holiding onto it.
thx eH!tp sejap je hp aku ilang!=)
wen to century kam wanted to shop 4 accesories..
off to interchange wait for bado.
punye lbt!
so we plan 'foolish cum stupid' game using the directory map..
rest at hm.
den at nite headed to shiza'a house for kenduri.
here i am typing.n finishing my assignment.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Hope she's strong in facing it.
today nid nutin much..
it was suchh a tirin dae..
soo skip BFD!.
yea bebeh.
yesterdae swiiming was fun..
project mit-up was realy2 fun..
yesterdae full of laughter!
ok done!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
im too tired....
Sunday, May 4, 2008
as fer 2dae accompany mama 2 clinic den off to cwp to buy my swimming costume.
best pe ade swim lesson for SW..
den window shoping wif mama&baba..gerek aku je sorang pe..siblings yg laen tk ikt =)
mama ask me to buy new frame fer my specs..mule2 jual mahal..bey org nk blikn amik jela..ahha..
well pix to accompany tiz entries.

muke tyme sakit..=)
no queue aku
3days didnt update my blog..
been bz wif sch stuffs,probs n more probs.
let me recap ya..
so labour dae didnt wen anywhr.slack@ hm..
fri for the 1st tyme didnt wen to sch.
so wen to poly bored sia....
it was such a long queue.pantart btl!
after tt wen to mit sha2 n zima..
slack @ mac fer awhile..
standrdla..lau satu2 da jp kecoh nk mampos!
sat.ape aku uat eh?
sat wen to market...den sent my bro to madrasah..
mentang2 ad baCkal.lemak berkrim eh ko ahmad!
kk..i post 2dae entry on the nxt entry.
phm?aku pn tk phm.