i always encounter tiz situation whr i wanted to blog.but wen i sign-in.
evrythg tt i wanted to blog jz erased away frm my brain
ayoooo..so terok!
overall i enjoyed tiz whole wk..
werk place is fine..tq ppl for makin it lively
i cn tell u tt evry1 is happy fer the entire wk
arron wil always goes lyke tiz "rabia.u ok or not?"
n amy is sick n tired of ppl calling her .till she said "rabia nxt tyme wen u ans the kol u sae tt our cmpany is close".see werkmates tired of cust kept callin dem..
n i will sit n laugh at their reaction.they hav alot to settle seh
lucky fer me i handle to one cust only..fuh!
wen to survey bikes prices..
atleast i knw wats the range.
ive yet to dcide wat bike t0 buy.hopefully to get 1 by nxt mth..
insurance price has been raised.pathetic or wat!
wen to diff places.but 1 really caught my attention
the shop at ubi..hmm..tinkin of it..think rabia think
1 more trip to other bike shops.n den i will conclude.
tings aint goin pretty well wif u i guess.
u asked me.bt sorry ive yet to come out wif an ans
sorry not the tyme..
hw many more must i turn down..till i really forget abt u dear ex-bf??
i dunno hw true ur msg cn be..i wont forget those dayss...
Labels: _memories still lingering fresh im my mind_