i came t0 realise tt its been sum tymes i catch a movie
good movies r cumimg..ish..i cnt miss it seh!
soo..whu wanna accompany me watch the upcuming movies??
any taker?
werk had been ok fer me..
so far so gd
but nvrtheless i wanna end tiz attachment soon
cum to realise again its been a mth!
thx razin fer the reminder
i was far asleep.but i was awake by my cough.
n nw cnt sleep...argh tidakk..tk mungkinnnn
ala sok keje..mcm tknk g je..
tp tkle kene dpt gaji gak.
kla org tu da bising2 pt telinge aku
die ckp "ni view blog org ke tgh msn"
kk i get goin nw
carlo bete..