lyke i sae on the prev post.i missed lots of ppln on17042009(fri),i met my 3 lovely gfs..after a mth didnt meet.we managed to plan n settle for a catch-upfun fun fun i shld sae..full of jokes n laughters.this is who we r..the crazy bunch of gerls..hahasorry zima for teasin u.hahahhahere's some of the pics ..k go
this is us:rabia,syahirah,zima,shasha

sha n me

syerah n zima

zima was complanin abt me using the fon.ahaha

me n zima.after i hang up the fon for u gerl.ahahah

shasha n syerah..i asked syerah to do some face she give me tiz.^_^

syerah n me.senyum je

my 3 lovely gfs

shasha n zima
plan fer another outin ye?? sabar tk sabar..
went vivo wif kam.
to find the bustop tt take us to our werk place
luckily kte g tgk eh..lau tk terkial2 seh
had pizza mcm dinner la..
den off to window shop.
wich kam was stuck in forever21 fer sooo long..
sabar je aku
den chill-ed,had ben n jerry den mrt-ed dwn to adm.
tirin dae..
but fun wif u ppl ard!
thankiu !
yet to mit bestie..
gotta do it real soon..b4 we strted to be bz