what does it takes to be happy?
what does it takes to put a smile on ur face?
the ans is..YOU
yerp true is only YOU whu cn make it possible..
trust me...
supposedly i've to strt sch 2dae.
but due to attchment..it will only strt on the 20th
n tt mean..i hav a wk to spare..urgh!haha
boredom is killin me soon..
i dunno wat else to do den jz sittin infrn of comp,watch dvds.eat n sleep
mundane right??
faster2 end tiz long olidae
not tt i luv werkin.
but2 i nid MONEY.yea the word tt strt wif letter M!
and2 its very2 imprt to me..n my upcumin "source of entertainment"
im outta werds.b4 i strt tokin crap.
may i ask fer permission to go??
takecare readerss!