iNitiALLy wanTed tO gO to sCh
bUt havIn tHE thOughT Of y GO sCH weN its jZ feW hrs..
sO dCided tO cNCeL it..
aFter qUite suMtyMes dIdnt hAvE b'faSt wIf maMa
wE diD it 2daE!
haD LJS fER b'FasT n it wAsss seDAP!
sO aS plaNNed mET syahIRah @ inT.
n Off wE gO tO bbDC
1sT tyME in HIstOry.raBia smPAi teRLebiH awAL!
so hAd prAc..
mEt 5.01 pRac maTe.
mCM biASe ttP keCoh!
dEn oFf tO cP.
puSIng nYE pusIng ..sAtu bendA pn tu mAKcik SYahiRah tK berkENan.
kESimpuLan nye..
afTEr soo mUCH rOundS @ cp..
maKcIk syAHIrah bELi cIncIn pT bOOts n sHoEs.
im tired of typin