Monday, February 16, 2009
oh well..
had a great tyme i cn sae fer last few days..
realy enjoyed..thx to the ppl whu make the day SHIOK!

oryte sparto.
lets recap
oh well..slept at cuzzin homie fer 3day.
best la!
went to kak dance performance.
n i shld sae nice job DIAN DANCERS!

on sat...
folo kak yani n fer frens fer some adventure at nite
went to seacrh abandoned buildings.n oso went to cementry..
mcm2 cementry kte g.
overall fun babeh! to my homie!!
nite met kam..
n she sooo the EMOTIONAL DISORDER!
wanted to post vids.but blogger ade prob
tkp laen kali aku post.U WAIT N SEE KAM!

n 2dae had wim prac test
alhamdulliah managed to finish it.
aftr tt went to get do my GO! card.atlast dpt gak aku uat!
off to LOT 1 wif syahirah..
shoppin seakan tu minah
den off to bbdc
oh ya..nk tunjuk ekyen kn
step naik taxi
amik ko fare die!
bodhs nye taxi driver.btl tk syahirah??

nk bljr mp test lak
peace ppl


råßïå'况l §å'åÐïåh(the name)
08031990(the dae when 1st face the world)
ITE COLLEGE EAST(the education countinues)
CHEERFUL(the character)
EASY-GOIN(the behaviour)

do the tokin'



Designer / Mira Muhayat.