Saat gembira tertawa
Saat berduka kita sama-sama
Duduk bermuram durja
Kita saling memerlukan
Menghormati satu ikatan
Itulah... ertinya persahabatan
Ada kalanya terkasar bahasa
Tapi kita saling memaafinya
Pahit manis kecapi bersama
Bersatu hadapi segala... oohhh
( korus )
Bersamalah teman kita hargai
Mahkota suci... oohhh
Bersamalah teman kita harungi
Istana erti persahabatan
Berkekalanlah hendaknya
Kemesraan diantara kita
Seandainya tak lagi bersama
Semat kenangan mengusik jiwa... oohhh

sumtymes things have to go thru a bad way in order for us to realise tt its wrg.arguement,misunderstanding n sensitiveness b/w frens will make us realise hw important tt person in our lyfe..i should sae im thankful to al-mighty for givin the right thought n mindset to actually think b4 i react.n thx to al-mighty tt evrthg r bck to normal to dear sory if anythg i hurt u or make u feel badim relieve after evrthg had been poured outhope it wont repeat.n it will help to make us close as ever dear gfs..i should sae its tyme for a MEET-UPcz im freakin missing each n evry 1 of u