Tuesday, October 21, 2008
sIncE im AT mY aUnt HouZ migHt as wELL taKe tIz oPP tO bLog..thIngS had bEen g8 tIz fEW daYs,,i sWeAR!leTS reCapwEnT jLn2 rAYe wIf feLLow iTe pEEpsitS sOO KEcOhraBLesoo i caLL iT keCOh2 raYe itE.aahahawEnt ovEr to 7HOuse.acTuaLLy deRe's aLot moRe to gO.bUt tYme dun PeRmit..Mon Tues n 2daE sch houRS is Soo much fUnFull oF laUghtERi Dun NiD tO eLaboRaTe moRe,kkErmbyeee