ku ngan baCkal ku=)

bro n sis =)
2dae is CYCLING dae!
wen out abt 11+ am wif lil bro..cz he insisted on goin cycling..
so we cycling up to cresent garden(bside adss).
play along the road(wich mama told not to!)
otw lil sis kol as she wants to tag along..
so ended up we played under the voideck till 3+
oh ya 2dae is SUN..
i didnt buy anythg fer mama,cz i dun hav any cash(believe??)
so a wish is ol i could afford..
not 4geting HAPPY 13 BDAE TO LIL SIS!
cool isint it..
sun sun sun..
it hav to been 2 SUNDAYS i didnt went out wif bf..
n been almost 2wks since i met bf..
no more sun meetin fer us cz bf dae off is on wkdays.
pathetic rite!
haizz...been hav lots of probs wif bf lately.
it ol b4 we lack of communications!
i hate it!.
bf didnt knw hw i misses him!!argh!damn it!
i ask fer breakup early in e mrning..bf was annoyed..
he blame MR.A fer wats happenin b/w us.
he said i ask him fer breakup cz i wanted to go to MR.A
but MR.a has nutin 2 do wif my dcision.
prev post i did mention tt bf will definitely get angry if he found out.
initially he did!he was so pissed off until he sae MR.A gt no shame to take me frm him..
bf bf.u so unpredictable!