2dae is tuesdaY!!.. i my class strt @12noon!..baek kape. phew...tings aint getting better tz few days.. had been tinking n tinking.. thx to my frens whu cheered my up durin sch..atleast i cn 4get the probs.. n thx to my zima darling for ur listenin hear =).much appreciated! had really no idea wt to blog.wanna blog abt wat happen b/w me n him will jz leave a pain in myself.. nah..4get it.. ysterdae sch was g8..usually as often..late for class!tkp pe..ni ITE bkn sec sch.ehhee. pity syahirah got teased by us..step majok konon.podah!. 1st tyme ysterdae didnt slept in bus.cz we had a sharing session wif alfian.. went to NOKIACARE to service my hp..mak ai..service cock-up se! so my hp will be ready in 3 days tyme..n nw im using polyphonic fon kape?ehehe... conclusion..ysterdae was full of laughter be it in sch wif those crazy peeps..n @ nite wif mun n kam.. btw mun..sakit tau ko cubit aku!
-i nvr want tiz to end but i TOO WEAK to face it-
råßïå'况l §å'åÐïåh(the name)
08031990(the dae when 1st face the world)
ITE COLLEGE EAST(the education countinues)
CHEERFUL(the character)
EASY-GOIN(the behaviour)