although im tired n shagged
i cnt help my eyes to sleep..
i duno y..perhaps too tired to sleep..make sense???
it sounds ridiculous to me..
rite nw listening to old music on my playlist..old music r nice to listen afterfall
msn-ning wif zul takin abt random stuff
n msn-ing wif dear alfam.
i guess tings r pretty gd on us..perhaps we r back on track
wait2.we still frens ya..but close frens =)
had kenduri at my houz jz now (140309)
jz a simply kenduri arwah n in conjuction of maulidur rasul
i luv kenduri i luv family gathering.cz its the tyme whr family members gt to meet up despite of the bz schdules.
actually there were pictures taken..but i'l upload it later
kind of lazy rite nw..
i guessi sae much..
dun wish to drag any nonsense entry in my entry
takecare readears!