well..evrythg goes pretty well 2daewoke up abit early.n got ready fer wrk..no rush tiz tyme round.reach werk.as usual nth much to do..den..manager went off..left only 3 ppl(tige2 youngster.baik pe)fer a moment is kind of slow..cz not much cust.den tadaaa..the crowd came.gd uh..atleast the sales fer 2dae is not pathetichit 2k!sape ckp youngsters tkle jage kdai.den.bik ila fetch me by carcnclusiion.go home by car.lil mateen is soo CUTE!goin doc tmr.insect bites r gettin worst!OMG!
Labels: use insect repellent wenevr u want to overnite at beach