Wednesday, July 2, 2008
it seems tt everythg is turning crazaeout of sudden.shafirul msg me.dear g dear alikgiler pen im facing wif crazy ppl ard me1st it was alfam.kol n kol n kolits nt i dunwan to ans.jz tt im plain lazy to reply or ans any kol or msg.he jz lyke 1 kind of desperado.ish bad sehsumtymes im annoyed wif his attitude!sucks!!den mokhsin.kept on askin me to mit him.ko tao tk ape tu namenye mls..den shafirulask to go out wif him tiz satape2 je je krg nizima la bestckp aku ade mataer.tkdela grlnot the tyme enjoyin my single liven IM LOVIN IT!hehehe_tokin on fon..chao_